Showing 1–16 of 109 results
1.5 mm single copper coleman Nigeria cable
11.A 1.5power cable is an electrical cable, an assembly of one or more electrical conductors, usually held together with an overall sheath. The assembly is used for transmission of electrical power. Power cables may be installed as permanent wiring within buildings, , run inside pipe ie conduit or inside trucking
1.5mm single copper coleman Nigeria cable
Conformity assessment: NIC/IEC Stranded Solid Conductor
NIS/IEC HO 7 V - U Solid Conductor, 450/750V, Annealed Solid Copper Wire / PVC Insulation Rated 90C, Designation Type 60227 IEC 01 , Bs 6004 & SASO 1320,
Specification:International standard 60227 IEC 01 & BS 6004 and SASO 1320 Flame Retardant to IEC 60332-1 Vertical
1.5mm single copper purecherm Nigeria cable
1.5mm single is single copper cable used for lighting point ,it can be ran conduit or in trucking 100% copper, fire resistance insulated, 100meter length.
100 Amp havells Rotary changeover
Havell Changeover Switch is manufactured using high-quality pure copper and brass parts, using advanced technology.It is fitted with metal clad box. Get this at a very good prize
1000 Amp havells Rotary changeover
Havells Euroload Onload Changeover Switch 1000 A, SS Enclosure, 4 Pole, 415 V AC (Ref No. : IHCNFE1000)
100amp busbar stanley
busbar is TPN copper strands that carries the load of supply in the house, it 100% copper conductor.
100amp fuse and base stanley
It is a fuse that c0nnects electricity supply that enters house before going to different connections, It serves as protective measures against power surge.100% c0pper
10mm single copper coleman cable Nigeria
10mm single copper cable used for load of a house as main supply cable for generator, mini lister. 100% copper conductor ,100 meters length and full gauge.
16mm single copper coleman Nigeria cable
16mm single copper is a load cable that serves as supply load to the house, 100% copper conductor,100 meters length and full gauge.
16mm single copper purecherm Nigeria cable
16mm single copper Nigeria cable purecherm, 100% cooper, 100meters length ,fire resistance coated insulation.
16mm4core recline cable
16mmx4core recline .it is an aluminum cable that is being used from pole to the house ,a main connection from servicing line to the house.